Magical Dumpster


House cats at the Magical Dumpster

The Magical Dumpster is a place where the souls of house cats gather at nighttime, while they sleep. Such a peculiar place it is! First, because the souls of ordinary street cats can never get to that place. Second, because it is not cats that are considered pets there, but the people they keep while not asleep.

Why, you ask? Well, to have some company, probably… For the cats don’t see themselves as animals.

No house cat can get to the Magical Dumpster while awake. But during sleep, the feline souls, starved for real, genuine companionship, eagerly go to that blessed corner of the universe, lost somewhere in-between worlds.

If you think the feline souls simply lounge about at the Magical Dumpster, you are sorely mistaken!

Where is the Magical Dumpster for house cats located?

You want to know the exact location of the Magical Dumpster? Oh, there’s nothing easier! Just go, and you’ll find the way. It is situated right in the middle between the Earth and the Heaven where the souls of those humans reside who cared for cats affectionately during their lifetime.

By the way, everybody who is unkind to cats will definitely end up in hell after they die, and will be tortured by fleas there for eternity. Well, you’re an educated person, so you must know it as well as I do.


©story writer: Yosef Lazarev